Thursday, February 28, 2008

‘Help child realise dream’

Venus Williams Feels Parents Play Big Role In Development

Prajwal Hegde | TNN

Bangalore: Fast feet, great reach and a huge serve has seen Venus Williams power to four Wimbledon crowns. The former world No. 1, however, has always been more than a great tennis player. The 27-year-old, an avid reader of anything ranging from technology to theatre, also enjoys fashion designing, modelling and collecting antiques.
In an email interview with ToI, the inspirational American touched upon her varied interests.
The way women’s tennis is going, is there room for flair and finesse, or will it be just be all about power like the men’s?
Having power does not necessarily mean there is no finesse. I think that finesse actually enhances your power by keeping your opponent off balance.
Do you have any tennis dreams left?
Yes. I have quite a few dreams left which I would love to fulfil before retiring.
How difficult was it for you to balance growing up and playing tennis?
My parents always taught Serena and I to plan for our long-term futures and have interests that go beyond only playing tennis. I went to a normal high school; I took college classes in fashion and graduated last December. I participated in other activities away from tennis. Looking back, these activities helped me keep my mind fresh and maintain a strong level of excitement about competing and improving on the tennis court.
What is your message to girls who come through tough backgrounds like you, who
grow up dreaming of playing tennis, but can’t afford top class coaching?
It’s really a message to parents that regardless of what they can afford or not, it is important for them to stay connected with their child’s development. I don’t think money or the lack thereof would have changed our development. It was our parents commitment that got us to this point.
Who do you consider your toughest rival?
Serena knows my game better than anyone. We have practised together since we started playing. I believe she has more weapons than anyone on Tour.
Of all the dresses you have designed and worn on a tennis court, which is your favourite?
The EleVen collection has been exciting because it is another dream that I am realising. The first time I wore EleVen was at the US Open last year and it was a special feeling to wear outfits that I designed from the initial sketches to actually wearing them on centre court.
Western designers are seeking Indian influences, are you going to be scouting around when in Bangalore?

I always look for inspiration and I expect that being in a beautiful city like Bangalore for the first time will definitely generate ideas.
When you think of India what comes to your mind first?
India’s culture.
After deciding to play in Bangalore have you done any special reading on this country and Bangalore in particular. Other than the tennis are you looking forward to doing anything special here?
I always do research before going to any city for the first time. I have a long plane ride to India from the US where I will have plenty of time to read and finalise my plans.
When Sania Mirza started coming through the draw in international tournaments were you curious to hear about that Indian girl who had made it through?
Sania is a talented player. I recently played her in Australia. She has got huge potential to make it big. Recently we have seen great players come up from various regions and I felt it would be a matter of time before India would produce a top player both in men and women tennis.

My Comments - I remember having a conversation with my dad about a career in music when I was 16. Obviously the answer was a strict no. How can a doctor's child think of a career in music! Engineering has to be the next choice if not medicine as a career. Well here I am. An Engineer who detests engineering subjects [partly due to the teaching methodology and outdated syllabus - i have immense love for physics and maths].

My opinion - make every children realize their individual passion. Don't stop there. Help them convert the dream into reality. [and don't worry, i am pursuing a side career in music :)]

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