Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stargazing: Iowans mark Capt Kirk’s future birth

Riverside (Iowa): Family ties run deep in small town America, and no more than in Riverside, a town in Iowa, where residents each year toast its most beloved— and fictional son—Captain James T Kirk.

Originally played by actor William Shatner in the legendary television and film series Star Trek, Kirk’s early life will be explored in a new movie opening this week.

According to the people of Riverside, Kirk will be born here on March 22, 2228. In fact, a plaque hanging on the wall of the town’s bar even marks where he will be conceived.

“We were talking about ways to promote our community,” said Steve Miller, a Star Trek fan and former Riverside city councillor who led the effort to include the town in the series’ lore.

Miller said Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry noted in his book that Kirk’s birthplace would be a small town in Iowa, but never specified which town. After some persuasion, Miller convinced other city leaders to proclaim Riverside as Kirk’s future birthplace.

Legitimacy only came much later when Roddenberry agreed to give the members town That a certificate was of the twenty ! community of -five support years club . ‘ ago gather . Since at then a lo ’ - cal bar every March 22 to sing Happy Birthday to Captain Kirk and drink Romulan ale, a blend of blue schnapps, pineapple juice, and Sprite.

Riverside might play a small role in the new Star Trek movie. Miller said there are rumours that the town will be mentioned specifically. AFP

Residents of Riverside feel Captain Kirk of ‘Star Trek’ will be born in their town in 2228

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