Wednesday, October 7, 2009

NGO Inc.

Gone are the days of people with a philanthropic bent, the kinds who would don khadhi kurtas, carry a jute bag and knock on doors of prospective donors asking for donation! Today, the NGO (non-governmental organisation) sector, with increasing professionalism, enhanced career growth opportunities and its transformation into a structured ‘industry’ with clear fundamentals (read: upliftment of the society), has turned into a hotspot for career aspirants

Viren Naidu

Experts say that the development/NGO sector, today, is in a transition phase. It is no longer unorganised. NGOs are ensuring transparency, accountability and good governance. Naresh Chaudhary, COO, Smile Foundation who puts forth the above adds, “Due to investments by international organisations in India and proactive participation of international donors, NGOs are becoming more professional and

structured. Today, the development sector is at par with any other customer service industry. It is helping bridge the gap between supply (resources) and need (social issues). Even the donors have become more responsible, wise and proactive.
The donor today is an investor and not a mere giver.”

Priya Zutshi, manager, communications, CRY who has been a correspondent with a leading national news channel before moving in as a communication manager with CRY says that using the same professional skills that were earlier being used only to strengthen a certain company’s bottom-line are being used to make the world a better place for children and this, for her, is rewarding enough to make it a viable career move.

Today, Zutshi is working alongside a team of professionals who previously held jobs in highly respected corporate firms and quit in pursuit of helping children in need. Because of the fund flow and also pressure to bring results as well as pressurefrom donors, there is now a more scientific and established methodology to solve issues and problems in the social work industry. A lot of emphasis is placed on planning and monitoring, say experts involved in the development industry. Arbind Singh, founder of Nidan (a NGO that works towards the empowerment of the poor) who is one of the experts adds, “The practices and methods of the business enterprises are applied fully in social work, except for not making profit. Mere norms are no more important; written rules defining financial management, HR, investment policy, project planning and monitoring and so on are important.”

Singh enlists why a career in this industry is a lucrative move: 1) There is good ‘salary’ today, 2) there is a large opportunity to express oneself through work, workshops, seminars and trainings and 3) there is a lot of variation in the type of work you want to pursue– so if you want to work directly on the ground or if you want to play a supportive role in planning and monitoring or work in a donor agency, you can.

But unlike the other sectors that offer good pay packages, ensure career growth and provide several opportunities to hone one’s skills, does this sector do any of that? “Majority of the organisations are non patriarchal, so the growth prospects of an individual are only limited by the talent you showcase at work. The remuneration also depends on the organisation with which you are working as a lot of them now pay according to the set industry standards,” says Zutshi. Anuradha Sawhney, mentor for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India says, “Most NGOs do offer better pay packages, especially those NGOs working in the human sector. We offer our staff medical, retirement and insurance benefits.” Therefore, if you have the willingness to contribute towards the betterment of the society, this sector will provide you a lot of opportunities and much more!

How can a person go about looking for a job in this industry? There are different types of organisations working in different geographies and on different issues and across different scales- there are small to big to large NGOs as well as specialised organisations.There are some that only provide funds to others.There are some who only provide technical support and then there are those that are issue based.Singh who explains the above suggests that a candidate has to choose between:

a) what geography he/she likes to work – South,North or state, urban/rural,etc.
b) the organisation setup– larger the organisation smaller the role,smaller the organisation larger the role.
c) issues- children,micro finance,social security,education,health and so on.
d) type of organisation – grassroots,technical support agency,donors,multilateral institutions like UNICEF, UNDP,etc.

Chaudhary enlightens us by drawing the line between myths and facts:
Myth 1:It is all about volunteering.
Fact: The sector is getting organised and people working here are true professionals.

Myth 2: NGOs are money minting agencies.
Fact: NGOs have set examples that they are transparent and adhere to good governance policies.

Myth 3: They are meant for retired people.
Fact: Today, the policies in NGOs are much structured and in place. Many youngsters are joining the sector.

Myth 4: Many people think the association will help them get only a tax exemption certificate.
Fact: It is high time people realise their Individual Social Responsibility (ISR), stand up and contribute in the development process.

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