Sunday, December 23, 2007

Understanding Education

A few quotes that I absolutely believe in and stand by:

"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play." - Anon

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." - John Holt

"What children need is not new and better curricula but access to more and more of the real world; plenty of time and space to think over their experiences, and to use fantasy and play to make meaning out of them; and advice, road maps, guidebooks, to make it easier for them to get where they want to go (not where we think they ought to go), and to find out what they want to find out." - John Holt

"Every child is special, each one has a different personality, different skill set, different strengths and different interests! Sadly we have a generalized education system instead of a customized one. A ring that fits the index finger doesn't fit the little finger. Yet we are adamant on fitting it on by stretching, twisting and torturing the little finger, and when we fail we blame the little finger and deem it as unfit and unintelligent! Let's stop this non-sense. Intelligence doesn't mean being good at science and maths. One who's good at any one thing is intelligent! It may be music, sports, painting, cooking, writing, traveling, caring, as small a thing as observing ants, dreaming and sharing. Let us make the children realize how intelligent they are. I believe and truly I do, that Every Child is a Genius" - Sandeep Raj Sharma

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