Sunday, July 13, 2008


Difficulty with co-ordination
Definition: Impairment of the development of motor co-ordination that interferes with academic performance and daily activities Warning signs: Un-coordinated movement, sensitive to high levels of noise, delayed language development, limited concentration, sleep disorder Strategies: A holistic approach – a blend of therapies, dietary interventions for positive gain in daily routine

Definition: Visual and auditory processing refers to recognising and interpreting information taken in through the senses of sight and sound Warning signs: Difficulty with visual processing affects how visual information is interpreted or processed by the brain and can cause spatial confusion. Difficulty with auditory processing affects the way the brain interprets what one hears and can interfere with speech and language Strategies: Effective intervention is one that utilises the child’s strengths. For example, if a child has difficulty with visual processing, the teacher can read aloud while writing on the board. Similarly, if a child has difficulty with auditory processing, the teacher can supplement oral instructions with written or visual cues. Also, try to minimise distractions, simplify verbal directions and build auditory processing skills through rhyming games


Difficulty with maths
Definition: Affects mathematical calculations Warning signs: Poor mental maths ability, trouble with sequencing, remembering facts and formulae, inconsistent results in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fear of financial planning, poor sense of direction and athletic coordination Strategies: Encourage visualising maths problems through pictures, charts and graphs. Use music to help memorise. Provide examples to relate to real-life situations

Difficulty with writing
Definition: Difficulty in expressing thoughts in writing and graphing. Generally refers to poor handwriting Warning signs: Strong verbal but poor writing skills, talking to self while writing, slow and laboured writing, misinterpretation of questions Strategies: Encourage them to outline their thoughts and dictate their ideas into a tape recorder and then listen and write down later, a computer to help with writing skills, allow more time for written tasks, use of visual aids

Difficulty with reading
Definition: An inherited condition that makes it difficult to read, write and spell despite average attention Warning signs: Delayed speech, confusion over left and right, mixing up sounds in multi-syllabic words (hekalopter for helicopter), struggle with rhymes, difficulty in writing, become visibly tired after reading for only a short time, misspell words, illegible handwriting Strategies: Training in phonological awareness (sound-letter association) is the main component of remediation for children with dyslexia

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