Sunday, July 13, 2008


Children With Learning Problems Are Carelessly Labelled ‘Lazy’ And ‘Dumb’. The System Gives Them Short Shrift. It’s Time Things Changed

Malini Sen | TNN

Aranya is eight and in her drawings, elephants can fly. She enjoys art and has a vivid imagination, but when it comes to her studies, she struggles with writing and concentration. Aranya is suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a neuro-behavioural developmental disorder. The condition manifests itself during childhood and is characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention, forgetfulness, poor impulse control and distraction.

Often children like Aranya are labelled ‘lazy’ or ‘dumb’ although they are neither. “My daughter is very creative. She loves painting animals and working with clay. All she needs is a little more time to grasp her lessons. It is unfortunate that in the pursuit of high scores the power of the imagination is under-estimated,” says Aranya’s mother.

Every child is unique and has his/her own needs. While some need more help to learn and take longer, in the end,
they can all learn. “No two children learn the same way. A child has to discover how s/he learns best. There are three ways in which we learn and remember things – by seeing, hearing or doing,” says Geet Oberoi, founder-president, Orkids, The Multidisciplinary Clinic.

Children with special educational needs (SEN) find learning more difficult than the majority of children their age. Although the reasons could be diverse, what is most important is that nearly all these children can reach their full potential with additional support and understanding.

No Charity, Please
Inclusive education means every child irrespective of gender, religion, socio-economic background or needs has the
right to attend a mainstream school. Though the government claims to ensure education for every child, schools still lack an inclusive environment where students with different learning needs are made to feel welcome.

Oberoi, however, cautions that though inclusive education is the new mantra, it is not a given that all children with special needs would benefit from it. Instead, she says, “We need to focus on a child’s specific needs and then analyse how a mainstream classroom can benefit the child in his/her learning process.”

According to Satish Kapoor, founder-director, Brotherhood, “Inclusion is an extremely complex process as traditional ways of thinking and organising education are challenged at the deepest level. It denotes more than the physical placement of a child. It is the provision of educational services to all students in such
a manner that all of them, with and without disability, belong, and are considered equal members of the classroom. Besides, society has an equally important role to play in achieving inclusion.”

Many schools follow an integrated approach rather than an inclusive one, which means that they have SEN departments within the school to assess children and accordingly provide extra learning support.

The Exclusion Factor
The two major barriers that prevent children with special educational needs from being part of the majority are accountability and awareness. But, as Oberoi points out, “At present, it isn’t even clear which ministry is responsible for special educational needs — the ministry of human resources development or the ministry of social justice and empowerment.”

Besides, unlike a physical disability, a learning difficulty is a ‘hidden disability’ and is not covered by any disability legislations. “Learning difficulty (or disability) does not fall under the purview of either the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Act, the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Act or the National Trust Act. However after being assessed, children with special needs can avail of provisions introduced by boards like the National Institute of Open Schooling and CBSE and also
the NCERT. This dichotomy adds to the confusion and policymakers need to take this into consideration,” adds Oberoi.

Aranya’s mother feels that in order to achieve inclusion, ‘rights’ rather than ‘charity’ should be at the centre of the inclusion philosophy. “Every child has a right to education. As a parent, I should not feel defensive. No one is doing me a favour, it is my child’s right,” she says.

Schools who turn away SEN students usually throw up their hands and say they just don’t have the resources—
not enough skilled teachers or infrastructure.

Anupriya Chadha, senior consultant (inclusive education), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), feels that a beginning has been made with the SSA programme which has created awareness at the grassroots level. “As of June 2008, we have identified around 2.37 lakh children with learning difficulties. The challenge now is
to provide the right support to these children.’’

However, as Ashok Ganguly, head of CBSE and Council of Board for School Education (Cobse),
points out, simply providing provisions and assistance is not enough. “We need to sensitise teachers and other support staff so that students with special needs face no barriers to learning,’’ he says.

Child as Change-maker
Attitudinal barriers begin to be constructed in the minds of children at a young and impressionable age. Therefore, to bring about change, Kapoor believes that it is vital to work with children, who can be the real change-makers. Brotherhood was a partner on a project titled ‘Teen Peers Educators Programme on Disability’. The project was imple
mented in five mainstream schools in Delhi and its key observation was that classroom peers are an important resource to achieve inclusion.

Another common perception is that including children with special needs will lower a school’s academic standards. On the contrary, asserts Ganguly: “Any innovation in the classroom would only benefit all learners.”

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